Magokoro's Weekly Diary

Happy New Year to all!

As you can see the snow has finally arrived and is kissing the sides of Mt Gongen! What a beautiful sight. It looks so pure and fresh like someone has sprinkled laundry powder over it for a New Year's clean.

I was slightly cautious riding my bicycle as the snow was adorning the sides of the pavement. However, the sun had cleared a path through the middle and the slip and slide that I had perhaps expected was not to be. The air was certainly frosty and raw on my face but it was also bright and the sun was sparkling. It was a brisk, healthy ride. It brought to mind one of my New Year's resolutions; to be healthy, lose weight and exercise more. Do you have any New Year's resolutions? A lot of people have similar ones to mine at the beginning of the year after all the Christmas and New Year's food excess.

Well, we can help you at Magokoro. We are currently offering a 39% discount on the purchase of up to 5 products. This offer extends to all our products, no exceptions. What a fabulous New Year gift. Get healthy, get Magokoro!!