Magokoro's Weekly Diary
There has been little to no change in the weather over the past week or so. This cold snap that Japan has been enduring is now apparently the longest of it's kind in this nation for 45 years. Every night the temperature drops below zero and only on a couple of days have we been lucky enough for it to cross the zero mark mid-afternoon. Add to that a bitterly chilly wind and you have all the makings of a proper winter.
Last week a dark cloud descended over my house as we, one at a time, were picked off by the various illnesses that have affected so many this year. The weekend was a solemn affair. At one point I think we had three separate illnesses in my house on a single day. However, we persevered, we fought through and, thanks largely to Green Juice 7 PLUS and the other supplements, we recovered. There are still some traces of coughs and sniffs but thankfully the storm is over.
"Tomorrow is another day," they say and indeed it is, for tomorrow we have forecasts of around 10 degrees in the daytime with sunshine. I should think that will bring people outside in their droves. Eager to gulp in some of that warmer fresh air that has evaded us for so long. It has been a long time coming, but I, for one, am thoroughly looking forward to it!