Tokowaka Megumi [4589468720010]

Price: 3,960円(tax included)
List Price: 3,960円
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Item description
Tokowaka Megumi
All the nutrients of Aojiru (green juice) mixed with
the mellow flavor of green tea.
Green Juice (Japanese aojiru blended together with green tea for a mellow, easy to swallow, taste)
Tokowaka Megumi (Green Juice includes lactic acid bacteria)Vegetable Salad Green Juice
Ingredients: Barley wakaba extract, lactic acid bacteria, carrot extract, spinach extract, kale extract,
celery extract, bitter gourd extract, oligosaccharides. MADE IN JAPAN, domestic vegetable use.
1pack = 1stick(3g)×30sticks
How to drink
☆ 1 pack is 3g = please enjoy with 100 ml of water or mineral water.
1. First, pour 100 ml of water into a cup or glass→then open your Tokowaka Megumi stick (3g)
and pour the fresh juice powder in
→then mix well until all the powder has dissolved (this should take about 7 seconds).
2. After drinking the way described in (1) you will feel well nourished. While drinking you can taste
a sweetness which is unique to freshly squeezed products (Tokowaka Megumi )
and then you can allow a wave of refreshment to wash over you.
This is an extremely popular item.
Tokowaka company’s commitment☛Natural Extraction.
Because we wait for natural extraction it cannot be mass produced.
☛Beware: Some companies apply heat pressure to speed up the extraction process.
CHECKPOINT: Recommended for people who
☆Want the Green juice nutrients but don’t particularly enjoy the taste
☆Enjoy the flavour of green tea but are looking for even more nutrition
☆Drink vegetable juice daily
☆Are concerned about their dietary nutritional balance
☆Would like to relax their feelings
☆Are keen to keep an ideal waistline and improve dietary balance
☆Who are generally concerned about health, eat out or drink too much
Tokowaka Trivia: As a guide, drink 3 glasses a day.
Mix 1-3 sticks a day with cold water or milk. Add honey for a sweeter taste.